Writing to Help Others

Just a 15-second GIF-flick to give writers [including me] some ideas on sharing our time and writing interests.

And the item inspiring this post…

Here’s hoping the holiday season [despite the weirdness and reduced connections with others] is yielding a few realizations of life’s other fortunes.

This December sunrise, for instance.

Or this towering reminder of the season.

Athletic Stardom: Colt League Heroics [Part 1]

My typical view of the field during a number of Colt League games
Image by Kelsey Vere from Pixabay (though considering this post’s topic, she’d probably wish she wasn’t credited…)

Ah, yes, my glorious days as a Colt League player. Not to brag, but I was probably the 15th best player…on a team of 12. Unless you count game nights, where the lineup might dwindle to 8, if we were lucky. At which point we would troop over to Mark M’s house and drag him away from the dinner table so we could field a complete team. Those nights actually boosted my spirits, as I was then the ninth best player on the team.

I should be writing. Instead, chocolate forgiveness cake.

T: Just asking…Shouldn’t I be making a rich chocolate cake into which I then poke holes and onto which I then slather a thin ganache that will seep into the afore-poked holes?

C: What is stopping you?!?

T: I needed personal affirmations. 🤓

C: Go for it!

T: Shame and guilt also work. I am Catholic, after all 😇. Okay then. I’ll tell L that you insist. 

C: It is a little known fact that chocolate can absolve sins! I insist you search for forgiveness!

T: You’re kidding! I could have skipped that spooky confessional and chowed down on a Nestle’s Crunch Bar? …My ‘chocolate forgiveness cake’! I love it! 🙏.

So there you have it. Thanks to my texting pal, making my chocolate forgiveness cake (my name–website calls it The Best Chocolate Cake Recipe {Ever}) was a moral imperative.

This recipe calls for a cup of boiling water as the final ingredient.

As addapinch’s Robyn Stone tells you, the batter comes out very thin. Not to worry, the cake’s consistency came out just fine.

Besides enjoying the cake with my wife,
this was the best 12 seconds of the day.

And now, thanks to addapinch.com…
today’s chocolate forgiveness cake

Note: Back to the opening text conversation, and as if this recipe isn’t solid enough, I added the ‘poke cake’ feature. We tried two icings–chocolate for cake #1 and vanilla for cake #2.

The 12 DAYS OF LOVE LETTER WRITING project continues.

While my draft to Ann Maria ‘cools’, thought I would check in.

Hoping your season is still revealing blessings.

Here is an 11-second tour of
most of the More Love Letters requests.


Image by John Hain from Pixabay

Here is the current list of requests
–updated daily.

Confession…I’m falling behind! Luckily, I have till the 22nd to get them in the mail.

If you do participate, why not create a quick word cloud highlighting that person’s special traits? Then print it out on the paper you’ll use for your letter.

More ‘goodwill words’ for loveforourelders.org folks

memories are timeless treasures of the heart

It’s as if I’m getting to know the recipients.

In reality, though, I don’t know where these are sent.

But I’ve always trusted Love for Our Elders to find those deserving people.

And its Instagram pages continue to encourage me.

Contributing to this larger ‘goodwill words’ project…

Not too late to join us: https://www.moreloveletters.com/

Here is a 1-minute video of the first letter request. Just click pause where needed to take in the entire request.

By all means, pass this post along to interested writers.